Day 24. A Lesson I've Learned

Lately I was wondering, I'm grateful for every "letting go" moment I've been through. (CMIIW for my English). I'm glad that I had to let go that unrequited crush(es), missed opportunities, toxic environment, and delusional ambition of mine. I'm a person who is hard to move on. No wonder that I hardly make a prominent and rapid progress in my life. But it doesn't mean that I don't strive. Letting go makes me rethink of things I was (am) supposed to think and do. Letting go makes me realize that I can't eat and pay bills simply with my idealism. Letting go makes me easier to compromise some things I couldn't tolerate. And the last but not least, I can see people who are sincerely by my side. My family. My mom.

I think it happens to most people on earth - that family will always be there when you're in need.
But there's something I can't still let go. But I'm glad that it's SOMETHING, not someone. Maybe I need to loose the knot a bit, put it aside, and stop trying for a while. Just like Bukowski's motto: "Don't try." (or something).


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